Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I'm getting good at this...

I haven't made my way back to Whole Foods yet to stock up on free-range and local meats. I ran out two days ago, but I haven't cracked! Yesterday was easy, a simple Greek salad with herb and garlic roasted potatoes.
Mine is prettier than Curtis' because I have the tomatoes and he doesn't. (He hates 'um).

Tonight I stopped in the grocery store. It's annoying how many grocery stores don't sell free range meats. I really needed chicken to make my chicken and goat cheese pizza. I actually had a package of chicken in my hand and I had an instant flash in my brain of a poor little chicken in a cage all shot up with hormones...his body too big to support his little legs 'cause he grew too fast... Solution:

Thanks Morning Star! You saved my dinner!